Peak Sports Academy provides a great opportunity with our "No School Day Off" Camps! Even when school is not in session, we are here making players better with our fundamentally sound and fun camps for 1st through 8th grade students. (Coed)
Our half day camps run from 9-12 pm. All camps must receive a minimum amount of participants. Day off camps are subject to cancelation if a minimum number is not reached.
Holiday Week: 12/23, 12/24, 12/26, 12/27, 12/30 and/or 12/31
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, 1/20
Presidents Day, Monday, 2/17
Spring Break Camp, 4/14, 4/15, 4/16, 4/17 and 4/18. You can register for single days or all 5. If you register for the full week you will receive a $75.00 discount. Full week rate is $300.